Study programme learning outcomes

The basic aim of the study programme is for the graduate to gain knowledge about forest ecosystems, social aspects of forest management, various techniques and technologies that can be used in forest management and knowledge of modern methodological tools. The graduate acquires competencies for mastering basic knowledge and connecting the natural, technical and social sciences. He also acquires information literacy in the field of forest informatics, develops environmental awareness and an ethical attitude towards nature.

Mode of study

Only full-time study. Available enrolment slots: 50 for Slovenian and EU citizens, 2 for non-EU citizens, 2 for Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship, 2 for parallel studies.

Official duration of the study programme in credits and years

The first cycle academic study programme FORESTRY AND RENEWABLE FOREST RESOURCES lasts 3 years (6 semesters) and has a workload of 180 ECTS. Students are required to complete 60 ECTS each year.

Name of qualification and title conferred

  • Bachelor of Science
  • B.Sc.

Admission requirements

Admission requirements for 2023/24 and 2024/25
Access to the academic study programme Forestry and Renewable Forest Resources is granted to candidates who have:
a) completed the general Matura,
b) completed the vocational Matura at any secondary school, and one exam from the general Matura subjects; the chosen subject must not be a subject already completed within the vocational Matura,
c) completed a four-year secondary school programme prior to 1 June 1995.

Admission to the programme is also granted to candidates who have completed equivalent education abroad, and who enrol under the same requirements which apply for candidates who completed their education in Slovenia. Prior to enrolment in the study programme they must complete the procedure for recognition of education for the purpose of further study.

New admission requirements for 2025/26 and onwards
Access to the academic study programme Forestry and Renewable Forest Resources is granted to candidates who have:
a) completed the general Matura,
b) completed the vocational Matura in the following secondary school programmes: automotive technician, economic technician, pharmacy technician, gastronomy and tourism technician, surveying technician, geotechnical technician, forestry technician, construction technician, horticulture technician, chemical technician, agribusiness technician, wood technician, logistics technician, media technician, metallurgical technician, conservation technician, environmental technician, early childhood education, mechanical engineering technician, biomedical laboratory technician, veterinary technician, nursing technician, food and nutrition technician, and an examination in the general Matura subject Mathematics, Physics, Biology, or Chemistry; if the candidate has completed the examination in Mathematics, Physics, Biology, or Chemistry already within the vocational Matura, then he shall complete an examination in any other general Matura subject; the chosen subject must not be a subject already completed within the vocational Matura,
c) completed a four-year secondary school programme prior to 1 June 1995.

Admission to the programme is also granted to candidates who have completed equivalent education abroad, and who enrol under the same requirements which apply for candidates who completed their education in Slovenia. Prior to enrolment in the study programme they must complete the procedure for recognition of education for the purpose of further study.

In case of limited enrolment the following selection criteria apply:
a) for candidates referred to in points a) and c):
- overall average in general Matura or final examination subjects: 60% of total points,
- overall average in the third and fourth years of secondary school: 40% of total points,
b) for candidates referred to in point b):
- overall average in Vocational matura subjects: 20% of total points,
- overall average in the third and fourth years of secondary school: 40% of total points,
- grade in the general Matura subject: 40% of total points.

Number of applications and limitations in the past years:

Advancement requirements

Conditions for progression to a higher year:
A student may enrol in Year 2 if he completes study requirements of Year 1 in the amount of at least 52 ECTS by the end of the academic year. A student may enrol in Year 3 if he completes all study requirements of Year 1 (60 ECTS) and study requirements of Year 2 in the amount of at least 52 ECTS; a total of at least 112 ECTS. 

The competent Studies Committee may exceptionally approve the progression to a higher year for a student who has gained at least 47 ECTS in the previous year, if the student can provide justifiable reasons in accordance with the Statutes of the University of Ljubljana.

Conditions for repeating a year:
Students can repeat a year provided that they complete study requirements in a total amount of at least: 
- 30 ECTS to repeat Year 1, 
- 60 ECTS from Year 1 and 30 ECTS from Year 2 to repeat Year 2. 

During their course of study students may only once repeat a year or change their study programme owing to non-fulfilment of requirements

Transfer between study programmes

A transfer between study programmes means termination of education in the first study programme and continuation of studies in another study programme. A transfer is possible only if the the candidates meet the requirements for enrolment in the new study programme. Tansfers between various study programmes for obtaining the same level of education is possible if at least 50% of ECTS of the first study programme can be recognised (i.e. if at least 30 ECTS can be recognised in the first year of the new study programme).

Transfers are possible from Bologna or pre-Bologna academic and professional study programmes in biotechnical sciences, if the candidate meets the new programme admission requirements. Transfers are possible also from academic and long-cycle master’s study programmes in the field of forestry from other faculties, if the candidate meets the new programme admission requirements. In approving the transfer and determining additional requirements, the competent Studies Committee will set which courses and study requirements and to what extent will be recognised, and the year in which the student may enrol.

Transfers from the pre-Bologna 4-year academic study programme are possible under the following conditions:
- candidates are allowed to enrol in Year 2 if they have completed conditions for enrolment in Year 2 in the pre-Bologna study programme (completed courses: Mathematics, Botany with Plant Physiology, Chemistry with Fundamentals of Biochemistry, and at least 35 ECTS). To finish Year 2, the candidates shall complete all missing courses of Year 1 of the pre-Bologna study programme.
- the candidates are allowed to enrol in Year 3 if they have completed conditions for enrolment in Year 3 in the pre-Bologna study programme (completed all courses of Year 1, completed courses Statistical Methods, Pedology with Geology and Microbiology of Soils, and at least a total of 80 ECTS). To finish Year 3, the candidates shall complete all missing courses of Year 2 of the pre-Bologna study programme.
- candidate with completed courses of Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 of the pre-Bologna study programme can complete the second cycle master's study programme Forestry and Forest Ecosystem Management with a successful defence of a master thesis.

Presentation proceedings and archive of proceedings

Forestry and Renewable Forest Resources 2024-25.pdf