Content (Syllabus outline)

Introduction: The role of biochemistry in life sciences, characteristics of living systems, the orogin of life.

Molecular basis: bioelements, water, solutions, pH, buffer solutions.

Bioenergetics: conversions of energy in living systems, chemical equilibrium, coupled reactions, reaction rate.

Basic biomolecules: carbo-hydrates, lipids, amino acids, purins, pyrimidines, vitamins amd hormons.

Biological macromolecules: polysaccharides, nucleic acids, proteins, spruamolecular structures.

Enzymes: structural specialities, classification and nomenclature, reaction mechanisms, enzyme kinetics, alostery.

Mechanisms of impotant metabolic patyways: biological oxydo-reductions, catabolism, anabolism, biochemistry of transport and movement.

Glycolysis, beta-oxidation. Krebs cycle (tricarboxylic acid cycle). Aerobic respiratory chain and ATP synthesis. Examples of anaerobic respiratory chains in prokaryots compared to the aerobic metabolism.

Fermentation as special way of energy metabolism in prokaryots. General principles of lithotrophy.

Aspects of autothrophy (photosynthesis).

Anabolism-gluconeogenesis, fatty acid synthesis, synthesis of amino acids, nucleotide synthesis.

Protein synthesis (translation)

Principles of regulation in living systems.


a. Matriculation to the 1st year of the 1st degree program.
b. all exercises ratified to be eligible for the exam.