Content (Syllabus outline)

  • Significance of psychological education for teachers. Subjective theories of teachers. Research methods and techniques for studying learning process. Teacher as a researcher.
  • Development, maturation and learning. Neurophysiological basis of learning. 
  • Theories of development: cognitive development (Piaget, Vigotski), socio-emotional development (Bronfenbrenner, Erikson), speech and language development. Factors of development and their interweaving.
  • The classification of learning (classical, instrumental conditioning, psychomotor skills learning, verbal learning, discrimination, learning of concepts, rule using, problem solving. Creativity and its promotion.
  • Learning process. Structure of memory. Retency and forgetting (theories and factors of remembering and forgetting). Learning transfer and its promotion. Meta learning (learning of learning).
  • Observational learning, experiential learning.
  • Learning of attitudes, values (attitudes towards environment). Moral development. 
  • Factors influencing school learning and their interweaving. Physiological (changes in adolescence, health, fatigue). Psychological (abilities (Gardner and Sternberg theory of intelligence), cognitive and learning styles, cognitive structure, learning strategies, academic motivation, personality and emotional factors (self-concept, emotional intelligence)). Physical and social factors. Technology and learning in science.
  • Individual differences in students. Students with special needs (students with sensory impairment, students handicapped in movement, students with impairment in CNS, students impaired in intellectual development, students with learning disabilities, gifted students). Psychological aspects of learning differentiation and individuation. Support for students with special needs. 
  • Psychosocial relations in school. Structure and small group dynamics. Classroom climate. Conflict resolution. Behaviour management in the school. Teachers’ personality.
  • Psychological aspects of assessment and grading. Methods of assessment. Psychometric characteristics of assessment. Test construction.


Prerequisites for inclusion in the work: enrolment in the appropriate academic year