Content (Syllabus outline)

Subject and tasks of didactics; relationship between general and special didactics.

Education factors: teacher – student – subject matter; roles of teacher and student in modern school; traditional and communication - constructivist teaching models.

Structure of the educational process: material and technical, cognitive and psychological aspects of teaching.

Constituent parts of education: knowledge, competences – skills; syllabus and curriculum, teaching contents.

Teaching methods and teaching forms, teaching strategies.

Articulation of the educational process (preparing pupils for the education, presenting new teaching contents, training, repetition, checking, assessing).

Planning educational process; operative formulation of educational objectives, Bloom's taxonomy of educational goals.

Checking and assessing knowledge; types and ways of checking, advantages and weaknesses of particular checking methods; rules on checking and assessing knowledge.

Didactic principles and their realization.

Learning individualization and differentiation.

Learning differences between pupils; work with pupils who have learning disorders, detection of gifted pupils and work with such pupils.

Teacher’s cooperation with parents; the role and work of a class teacher.

Planning teacher’s work.

Modern informational and communicational technology in classes.


Prerequisites for inclusion in the work:

enrolment in the appropriate academic year