Content (Syllabus outline)

he objectives and history of epidemiology.

Data sources for epidemiological work.

Descriptive and analytical epidemiological data processing.

Microbiological procedures for the epidemiological analysis of microorganisms.

The dynamics of disease transmission. Measurement of the disease occurrence.

Assessing the validity and reliability of diagnostic and screening tests.

The epidemiological approach to evaluation of screening programs.

Epidemiological studies.

Randomized trials. Cohort studies. Case-control and cross-sectional studies.

Estimating risk.

Approaches for studying disease etiology.

Applied epidemiology. Using epidemiology to evaluate health service programs.

Slovene legislation.

Special epidemiology.

Epidemiology of the cardiovascular diseases.

Cancer epidemiology.

Introduction to research work in medicine


Prerequisites for course work:

  • inscription to adequate academic year


Prerequisites for admittance to final exam:

Practical examination (colloquium):

  • presence at practicals


  • practical examination (colloquium)
  • seminar presentation