Content (Syllabus outline)

Definitions of scientific research, organization of work and prove hypotheses.Testing of scientific theories from the interdisciplinary point of view in the filed of environment sciences. The main topics: scientific methods, inductive and deductive methods, qualitative and quantitative methods, observation and experiments, laboratory and field research, analises and synthesis, hypothesis testing and scientific explanation.

Field ecological research using qualitative and quantitative samples. Multivariate and claster analyses and methods showm in real ecological scientific and applied research in different ecosystems.

Presentation of organising research work in the field of biology and medicine. Features of basic, applied and evolutionary research work. Presentation of Science Citation Index (SCI) and Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI). Use of Web of Science, COBBIS in SICRIS.

Learning about databases (Swiss-Prot, PIR, OWL, GeneBank, EMBL, DDBJ) and tools for searching the data bases (e.g. ENTREZ, BLAST, FASTA).

Learning research proceses in meteorological echnologies. Critical view to statistic methods, useful in the interpratation of variable and unpredictable phenomena, methods of parametric and non-parametric statistical verification of hypothesis. Use of statistical methods in evaluating priocess quality (monitoring).

Integration of spatial and humanistic scientific methods. Learn about key social research strategies – gualitative and quantitative research.

Special emphasis on teamwork in science.


Enrolment in doctoral studies