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Biotechnical Faculty, Jamnikarjeva 101, Ljubljana,
Dvorana Janeza Hribarja




The II Slovenian Bacteriophage Meeting will bring together bacteriophage researchers from academia and industry to foster connections within the rapidly growing phage field in Slovenia and beyond. The event aims to promote collaboration between academia and the public and private sectors and spread knowledge of bacteriophages among students. Following the success of the inaugural 2023 meeting, this expanded, full-day event will feature a scientific committee, opportunities to submit abstracts, apply for oral talks or poster presentations, and an excellent external speaker—all without a registration fee.


Keynote speaker: Professor Rob Lavigne

   Rob Lavigne

Rob Lavigne is a professor at KU Leuven, leading the Laboratory of Gene Technology. His research focuses on molecular microbiology, particularly in developing Artilysins™ and studying the Pseudomonas/phage interplay. He has pioneered work in phage diversity and engineered bacterial metabolism, earning an ERC consolidator grant. Lavigne has an international profile, serving as president of the International Society for Viruses of Microorganisms and chairing the ICTV committee on bacterial virus taxonomy. He co-founded P.H.A.G.E., a European non-profit focused on bacteriophage therapy, and has delivered over 50 keynote lectures worldwide.



REGISTRATION STILL OPEN until 15 January !!! 

And will be limited to 250 participants.

Registration form

The full schedule will be made available ~3 weeks before the meeting. 



Second Slovenian Bacteriophage Meeting Program 



Second Slovenian Bacteriophage Meeting Program




Welcome by organizers

Keynote lecture by Rob Lavigne: Pseudomonas bacteriophages: tinkers, tailors, soldiers, spies

Lab. of Gene Technology, Catholic University of Leuven

Coffee break 10:30-11:00

11:00-12:20         Session 1:   Phage ecology and genomics                                         chaired by Tomaž Accetto


Aljoša Beber: First insight into bacteriophages of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris in Slovenia

Plant protection Dep., Institute of Agriculture, Slovenia 


Polonca Štefanič: Prophage-like elements in Bacillus subtilis from global and local geographical scales

Dep. of Microbiology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana


Nejc Stopnišek: Diversity, host-range, and temporal stability of gut prophages

Dep. for Microbiological Research, Centre for Medical Microbiology, National laboratory of health, environment and food, Maribor

Dep. of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Maribor


Virginie GrosboillotUsing synphage to analyse and compare Bacillus subtilis prophage genomes

Dep. of Microbiology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana

Lunch break 12:20-13:20

13:20 – 14:25             Session 2:   Phage-host interactions                                   chaired by Nina Vesel


Ana Lisac: Induction of incomplete lytic cycle for E. coli – T4 pair by bacterial starvation

Dep. for Chemical Engineering and Chemical safety, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana 


Matej ButalaThe genetic switch of tectivirus GIL01

Dep. of Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana


Jaka Jakin LazarInvestigating new role of phage-encoded bacteriocin, sublancin, in phage and host fitness

Dep. of Microbiology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana


Flash talk

Špela BlaznikEvaluating the role of Staphylococcus capitis physiology in bacteriophage K growth and efficiency

Dep. for Chemical Engineering and Chemical safety, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana 

Coffee break 14:25-15:00

15:00 – 16:30            Session 3:  Phage applications                                    chaired by Aleš Podgornik


Katja MolanAntibacterial surfaces using bacteriophages: a proof-of-concept

Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Novo mesto

Dep. of Microbiology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana

Institute of Metals and Technology University of Ljubljana


Andrej CörMelanoma immunotherapy using engineered bacteriophage vaccines

Valdoltra Orthopaedic Hospital


Tomaž Kasunič, Gašper DoklBacteriophage production for various application from R&D to the commercial scale



Martina Durcik: From phage isolation and in vivo testing to phage therapy for patients in special clinical need



Flash talk

Ana Zupančič: Autoantibody neutralisation in autoimmune disease using short peptides

 Dep. of Pharmaceutical Biology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ljubljana 


Flash talk

Klemen Gnidovec:  Subunit antigen-decorated filamentous bacteriophages as a modular vaccine platform

Dep. of Pharmaceutical Biology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ljubljana

Coffee break 16:30-17:00

17:00-17:45        Session 4: Pro and antiviral approaches                                    chaired by Hannah Bonham


Ažbe Žnidaršič:  Host cell impurity reduction in bacteriophage samples using CIMmultus® monolithic technology

Sartorius BIA Separations


Arijana FilipičNovel SuperPlasma technology for inactivation of viruses in water

Dep. for biotechnology and systems biology, National Institute of Biology Ljubljana


Flash talk

Saša Kaloper: Colloidal formulations of polysaccharide/phenol-based antiviral coatings for pandemic control

Lab. for Characterization and Processing of Polymers, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor

Closing by organizers

Snacks and drinks until 19:30




Conference organizers:






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