Content (Syllabus outline)

Typology of rural and urban settlements from geographic, historic, and urban / architectural poit of view. Fenomenological and epistemological consideration of urban theory. Process of urbanization and its socio-economic, phisycal, and cultural characteristics in phases of urban concentration, suburbanization, desurbanization, and reurbanization. City as a system and system of cities / towns: inner space-functional structure, spheres of influence, idea of a region, relationship between a region and a city / town / settlement. The rules and new trends in conurbanization. Historical survey from the first rural settlements to protourban forms in the city evolution according to the development of civilization on the global, evropean and local levels, with the stress on the period after the industrial revolution. Actuality of the early spontaneous and planned growth of settlements. New 'postfunctionalistic' social, ecological, and informatic  paradigms of urban design. Critical cosideration of selected examples of Slovene urban design.


a) enrollment in the year,

b) the condition for taking the oral examination is the passed and positively assessed seminar work.