Content (Syllabus outline)

Cell physiology: membranes, transport processes, energetics of biotic processes (respiration, photosynthesis). Research methoda and measurement techniques.

Plant: cell division and its regulation. Photosynthesis; light harvesting, electron transport, energy trasformation, focus on C3, C4, CAM fixation. Special features of cell respiration in plants. Plant water potential and mineral nutrition.

Animal: regulation and regulation mechanisms. Organisation and functional schemes of animal organisms. Principles of regulation and regulation mechanisms. Phenomenon of excitation and its importance. Signals and excitation. Cell potential and excitation of signals.

Microbe: nutrition, growth kinetics and impact of physico-chemical parameters. Metabolic diversity and energetics of microbes. Signal perception, homeostasis and introduction to stress responses.


Requirements for enrolment:
Admission into 2nd year of Biotechnology, knowledge of biochemistry and genetics 1

Terms of Prerequisites:
For colloquium: attending course exercises
For exam: passed completion of colloquium