Content (Syllabus outline)

Introduction to forest management and planning. History. Legal and theoretical bases.


Main concepts:

Sustainable forest management (SFM). Renewable forest resources, sustainable development, evaluation of SFM, models.

Multi-objective forest management. Objectives, roles, forest functions, priorities definition, segregation and integration, valorisation of forest area, priority areas, forest planning.

Close-to-nature forest management. Conservation planning, cognitive approach, characteristics.


Forest land. Valorisation, classification, inventory and spatial planning units, spatial scale, forest maps.

Time and forest planning. Rotation, time scale, stands age and forest classification, rotation and regeneration period.

Decision making and planning. Models, procedures, types. Planning concept. Phases, technique, levels.


Forest information system. Principles, structure, tools, databases.

Forest inventories and forest data. 


Forest planning in Slovenia


1. Condition for inclusion in the work:

- Inscription to adequate academic year


2. Condition for performing study obligations:

 - Seminar

- Cooperation field

- Report from field work