Content (Syllabus outline)

Introduction. Definition and classification of dried medicinal and aromatic plants (vegetable drugs) by the durability, by the type of market product, by the type of ingredient and by the pharmacological effects. The Scope of production, transport and use by market sector and the statutory provisions in our country and abroad. Marketing of medicinal and aromatic plants (ZAR).
Rajonization of medicinal and aromatic plants. Natural ecosystems and agro-ecological demands of individual medicinal plants in the world and in Slovenia.
Plant secondary metabolites. Introduction to different groups of plant secondary metabolites and drugs and their pharmacological effects.
Presentation of individual MAPs. The systematic affiliations, morphological description, geographical origin, varieties, environmental requirements, the design of the plantation together with the data on the preparation of the soil, the seeds and seedlings (cultivation, time, quantity of seeds per ha), soil and nutrition, diseases and pests, use of protective phyto- pharmaceutical agents with  presentation of possible residues in the vegetable drug,  soil and plant nutrition during the growth, the optimum harvest period, drying and processing of .medicinal and aromatic plants, the yield of vegetable drug per hectare.  Criteria for evaluation of medicinal (quality, safety, efficiency) and aromatic (quality safety) plants.


Conditions for inclusion in the work:

Enrolment in the appropriate academic year.

Conditions for performing study obligations

Prerequisite for the exam is 100% attendance at tutorial and presentation of seminar paper.