Content (Syllabus outline)


Terminology; definition of grassland science and overview of its development; grassland ecosystems and their services; grassland in the world, Europe and Slovenia (extent, classification according to the vegetation, origin, use); characteristics of the grassland sward as an agricultural crop (botanical characteristics, herbage productivity, seasonal growth); profile of 44 species of grassland plants (main genera: ryegrass, fescue, bluegrass, orchard grass, brome, bent grass, clover, medic, vetch, grass pea, trefoil, dandelion, plantain, hawkbit, carrot); check the other meadow plants; chemical composition (in general and specialties in grasses and legumes); environmental and technological factors of herbage yield; technological bases and guidelines for forage production on grassland (fertilization, use, maintenance and improvement of the sward); an overview of grassland management systems (low input, intensive, organic, alternative).


Grazing management

Elements of intensive grazing management for lowlands (stocking rate, carrying capacity, paddock occupying); sward structure and mass herbage intake; control grazing in less favoured farming areas; grass sward diversity; land arrangement for grazing management; infrastructure settlement on pasture; flock and herb moving; internal parasites of grazing animals; pasture fence planning for different species of livestock animals, mixed grazing of different species/categories of breeding animals, pasture harvesting, wilting and influence of mechanical treatment of herbage on the speed of wilting, cutting and conservation of silage and dry fodder.


Condition for inclusion in the work:

Enrolment in the appropriate academic year.


Condition for performing study obligations:

Passed practical test (lab exercises/practical work) before part 2 examination.