Content (Syllabus outline)

Pets and their stake in human society.

Motive for purchase of pets.

Pets and people different age (children, adult and old people).

Man and dog; the role of dog in human society from domestication to date, particularity of dog as pet, ethological characteristics as  basis of rising different breeds, dog breeds and their characteristics.

Man and cat,; the role of cat in human society from domestication to date, particularity of cat as pet, ethological characteristics as  basis of rising different breeds, cat breeds and their characteristics

Other pets, choice of pet and animal protection.

Animal welfare.

Regulation for pet protection, pet care, planning of pet residence, documentation, exhibitions.


a) Prerequisites for the inclusion in the work:

Enrolment in the corresponding year of study programme.


b) Prerequisites for performing study obligations:

Passed colloquium is a prerequisite to accede to final exam.