Content (Syllabus outline)

Natural history and biological foundations of planning safe work in biological laboratories and in production processes.
Biological weapons and bioterrorism.
Good laboratory, research and production practices in the field of life sciences.
Philosophical, legal, and religious bases of bioethics.
Environmental aspects of ethically based biological experiment.
Consent of prudent theory (informed consent).
The estimated value of biodiversity resources.
Maintaining of physical, and biological integrity of natural  resources.
Handling the creation and transfer of intellectual property rights, the protection of industrial property, in menthoring of experimental work.  Prevention of plagiarism.
The definition of ethical arguments in biotechnological solutions, medical and agrofood use.
Administrative and legal solutions of enforcement of bioethical principles
Ethical considerations and public opinion.


a/Full-time enrollment in 2nd or 3rd year of BSc study programme

b/prerequisites for admittance to the final exam are:

positive score from practical examination (colloquium)and seminar presentation