Content (Syllabus outline)

Normal microbila flora.

Pathogenesis of microbial infection.

Sterilization and disinfection.

Basics of labratory safety.

Etiological agents of respiratory tract infections and  principles of laboratory diagnostics.

Etiological agents of bacteremia and sepsis and principles of laboratory diagnostics.

Etiological agents of central nervous system and  principles of laboratory diagnostics.

Etiological agents of the gastrointestinal tract infections and  principles of laboratory diagnostics. Ethiological agents of urinary tract infections and principles of laboratory diagnostics.

Ethiological agents of sexually transmitted infections and principles of laboratory diagnostics.

Ethiological agents of infections of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles, joints and bones and principles of laboratory diagnostics .

Ethiological agents of zoonoses and principles of laboratory diagnostics.

Ethiological agents of infections in immunocompromised patients and principles of laboratory diagnostics.


Enrolment in  the 3 rd year of Microbiology BSc program.