Content (Syllabus outline)

Genomics – DNA level. Concepts of global genomic analysis: cytogenetic maps, complete genome sequence analyses. Comparative genomics – analysis of structure and evolution of genomes based on comparison of genomes between and within species.

Genomics - RNA level (transcriptomics). Global analysis of RNA expression (transcriptome) using microarray and RNA-seq technology. Manufacturing of RNA microarrays, experimental design and procedures, transcriptome data analysis.

Proteomics, metabolomics, glycomics, lipidomics. Methodology and biomarker development.

Epigenomics. DNA methylation, histone modifications, epimutations.

Non-coding RNAs. Interplay between non-coding RNAs (e.g. miRNAs) and protein-coding genes and their involvement in the regulation of gene expression and shaping phenotypes.

Phenomics. Phenotype ontology databases, standardized protocols for editing raw phenotypic data, phenome wide analysis.

Applicative genomics. Genomic applications in biotechnology and medicine (e.g. diagnostics, therapy), identification of new targets for novel and more efficient drugs for a particular genotype (pharmacogenomics), effects of food constituents on gene expression (nutrigenomics), etc.

Interactomics. Interactions between DNA, RNA and proteins.

Integromics, systems biology and bioinformatics. Principles of integration of diverse genomics data (e.g. polymorphisms, QTL, DNA methylation, non-coding RNAs), networks in biology and medicine. Main genomics databases and bioinformatics tools for research work in genomics.


Enrollment to the current  year of the study, Genetics and Bioinformatics. Prerequisite for the final exam: completed all obligations in the program, lectures, seminars and laboratory work.